Monday, April 04, 2005


The floor is done!

They have the maple floor finished, and have started the first sanding. It looks great!! I'm so glad we went with grade 2 maple!

Now that the floor is installed, Bissell Jr is going to sand the kitchen so Dennis can start placing base cabinets tomorrow. We're also trying to get the same stain from Diamond that they used on our cabinets so we can tweak the color for staining the floor, doors, and casings. Hopefully we'll get it by Wed....

Mike and I planed boards all night last night , and ripped them to size for the baseboards, and we plan on running them through the molder tonight. Mike's mom came down to watch Erica so we can work without worrying about her. We also ripped boards for all the casements for the closet doors, pocket door, and the half wall into the family room. Dennis installed them and they look great!

Signing off from dustville..... :)

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