Tuesday, April 05, 2005


molding setback

Last night Mike and I finished planing all the boards we were going to use as baseboards, and we were planning on running some molding through...

We set up the relief knife first and it ran beautifully on the sample pieces -- no problems. It took us a while to change out the cutterhead, but we now know how to do it, so it shouldn't be so bad next time.

Next we decided to try the molding knives to see how they worked before we ran all the stock through the relief knife. We installed the knives and hoped we had them balanced and tight fitting and working properly.....well they didn't. Something went terribly wrong and all three molding knives shattered, they tore up the cutterhead, and gouged the guide board...

We don't know what happened, but we're very thankful neither of us were hurt. We'll have to order a new knife (only one for now), cutterhead, and guide board and reschedule the stair install. **sigh** It's not the end of the world...but it's incredibly frustrating...

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