Friday, June 17, 2005


What went wrong

The floor. Plain and simple, the floor issue caused everyone and everything to fall behind. I don't think we'll ever truly know what happened, but here is what we know....

Bissell Jr was supposed to do the floor the first week we were gone, which would leave two weeks for Dennis of DLK Construction to paint and place trim, and time for Gloria Groat to complete the faux painting. Well, I guess nothing went as planned. Bissell had a heck of a time with the floors. He sanded the maple floor smooth -- too smooth he thinks -- because when he applied the stain it wouldn't penetrate the floor. He said it lifted back onto his brush, shoes, and whatever else it touched, but it didn't do that everywhere because the floor is covered with dark "chatter marks" that look like zebra stripes...but that's another issue....

Then, it was so hot and humid the stain took forever to cure, and when he was finally able to apply the polyurethane, it too wouldn't cure so he turned on the airconditioner, which then blew dust onto the finish -- remember we did all the woodworking down the basement -- so that was bad. He turned off the air and the house got too hot, the boards swelled and the poly squished out between the boards and left ridges. He was forced to turn back on the a/c. He proceeded to put on *5* coats of poly, some with darkeners in it to darken up the floor because it wasn't as dark as we wanted and the finish has dust and bubbles all throughout it. What a mess.....

Because of all these troubles, Dennis and Gloria were not able to get in here to do their thing in a timely fashion. Dennis was able to complete the painting before we came home, and Gloria was able to start, but not finish her part.....needless to say I was NOT a happy camper upon our return.

So where are we now and what are we doing about it? Check the next installment. :)

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